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What Everybody Is Saying


Your ability to interact with others depends on how well you understand their body language.

What Every Body is Saying explains how to analyze various gestures and expressions in the body. It offers valuable tips for understanding the underlying meaning.

Researchers in social psychology have studied body language for years. They have discovered countless ways of decoding human cues, from handshakes and facial expressions to posture.
You can learn to decode mixed messages with Joe Navarro’s book “What Every Body is Saying.” Keep reading to get a summary of the key takeaways.

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Your ability to interact with others depends on how well you understand their body language.

What Every Body is Saying explains how to analyze various gestures and expressions in the body. It offers valuable tips for understanding the underlying meaning.

Researchers in social psychology have studied body language for years. They have discovered countless ways of decoding human cues, from handshakes and facial expressions to posture.
You can learn to decode mixed messages with Joe Navarro’s book “What Every Body is Saying.” Keep reading to get a summary of the key takeaways.
What is nonverbal communication, and why is it important in communication?Navarro defines nonverbal communication (NVC) as “all intentional and unintentional behaviors and characteristics that send messages in the absence of speech or writing.”
NVC is important in communication because it can reveal what a person is thinking or feeling, even if they try to hide it.
NVC can also send deliberate messages, such as when a person crosses their arms to show they are not open to suggestions.
How Can You Use NVC to Read People?
Navarro outlines three ways to use NVC to read people
Look for clusters of nonverbal cues that reveal inner states
Look for changes in behavior that reveal what a person is feeling
Use context to interpret nonverbal cues
For example, if you see a person crossing their arms and legs while talking to you, they may be feeling uncomfortable or defensive. But if you are in a cold room and are rubbing their arms, they may simply be trying to warm up.
It’s important to remember that nonverbal cues express emotions. The “why” behind the feeling can get misunderstood in our interpretation. Context is key to reading nonverbal cues correctly


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