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Surrounded By Idiots


Thomas Erikson is a Swedish lecturer and author.

He has written three books so far. He made his name with Surrounded by Idiots in 2014, which has been translated into 40 languages so far and is one of Sweden’s best-selling non-fiction books of the past half-decade.

Erikson’s other two books can be described as sequels to his debut: Surrounded by Psychopaths is a book about manipulation, and the recently published Surrounded by Bad Bosses a book about, well, bad bosses.

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Thomas Erikson

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The word “idiot” is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “a foolish or stupid person.”

As far as Thomas Erikson is concerned, however, an “idiot” is merely someone who has a different behavior profile—and, consequently, style of communication—than the one dubbing him one.

Of course, this is not something Erikson believed when he was young when he too “pigeonholed people into two groups—good and sensible people and all the rest, the people who didn’t seem to understand anything at all:”

And how did Erikson’s worldview change?

Well, when he was 25, he was supposed to interview a 60-year-old CEO by the name of Sture who told him that “he was surrounded by idiots.” The more Thomas thought about this sentence, the less he was able to understand it.

“But who hired all these idiots?” he eventually asked Sture, fully aware that it could have been only him and nobody else.

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