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Siege And Storm


It all starts with Alina Starkov and Malyen Oretsev in Cofton across the True Sea, away from Ravka. There, Alina and Mal are living while trying to hide from anyone that might be hunting Alina down. As they have an encounter with the Darkling and his soldiers, they sail towards the Bone Road to find another of Morozova’s amplifiers.

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Weight 300 g

Leigh Bardugo

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Categories: , , , Tags: , , Product ID: 19438


Alina and Mal have fled the Darkling, but he finds them within a couple of pages because they’re not very good at hiding. He takes them on Sturmhond’s ship to find the sea whip and give Alina another amplifier. But Sturmhond is epic and saves them from the Darkling and catches the sea whip at the same time. Flawless prince. Then they go through the Shadow Fold because he wants to, but whatever, I’ll forgive him. Also, it turns out he really IS a flawless prince, because he’s Nikolai Lantsov, second son of the king of Ravka. He wants Alina to come back to the Little Palace with him, and she does, and takes over the Second Army (of Grisha) while she’s at it, because she’s a BAMF.

Mal is being a prat and Alina is being a badass and Nikolai is being flawless. But then Nikolai’s brother is stupid and makes sure the Darkling is able to get to them and gets everyone killed. In an epic final battle, Alina takes a lot of the Darkling’s power and maybe loses her own. They are taken by the Apparat to hide somewhere underground. Crazy ending.


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Siege And Storm

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